
  • Current web service instances: 128
  • Active web service technologies: 55
  • New technologies to be added: 3
  • Licenses used by these 58 technologies: 20
    • 'strong' copyleft licenses: 38 (66%)
    • 'weak' open source licenses : 20 (34%)
  • Number of hosts: 30

Web Services

This is a list of the libre software web services I - (Dave Lane) currently host on behalf of my employer, organisations for whom I provide voluntary services, for consulting customers, and for my own interest and utility.

Each 'technology tile' below represents a different libre web-based technology for which I actively run a publicly accessible instance either in a day-to-day production capacity or as a trial. Some are developed and run commercially by businesses, some are made available by governments, universities, charitable organisations and foundations, and others by loosely organised collectives and other sorts of communities. All are globally available, under the terms of their selected libre license.

Clicking on a tile below will pop up an expanded view of the technology and its details.

You can also filter the list of technologies shown based on three sets of software criteria: software categories, heavily marketed proprietary alternatives, and the libre (or 'open source') license used.

You can also filter technologies based on the active instances, like their current status (e.g. planned, production, trial, etc.), with which organisation or individual they are affiliated, and on which actual host they reside.

You can filter the software services listed below by the following filtering dimensions. Click a tag to remove or re-add it, or use 'select all or none' to select none, or invert your selection if it's more useful.

Tip: if you want to see all technologies tagged with a specific tag, click that tag to deselect it, and then 'invert selection'. You'll see only the technologies that have the resulting tag.


These are general categories of software which help you understand the sort of software you're looking at, as well as identifying functionally similar software for comparison.

select all/none invert selection
App EcosystemApplication DesignAsset ManagementAssociation Management (2)Association Management SystemAuthenticationBlog SyndicationBook ReviewsCalendar (2)Collaborative (2)Collaborative Markdown EditingCollaborative WikiContent Management Systems (5)Digital Media SalesDocument Management (2)Email Marketing AutomationEmail ServicesEnterprise Resource PlanningEvent ManagementFacial RecognitionFacility BookingFederated Messaging (2)Fediverse (12)File SynchronisationForm BuilderForm builder (4)ForumFramasoft (2)Group managementHome AutomationHome SecurityIdentity ManagementImage BackupImage Gallery (2)Kanban Project ManagementLearning Management SystemLink RankingLink SharingLink ShortenerMembership Management (2)Messaging CacheMicro-bloggingMulti-Domain ServerMultimedia (4)Music DiscoveryMusic StreamingNetwork Infrastructure MonitoringNewslettersPassword ManagerPhotosPortfolio ManagementPrivacyProductivity (2)Reading ListRemote Desktop SharingReverse ProxyRich Messaging Client (2)Rich Messaging Server (2)SchedulingShare Secrets ManagementSingle Sign-OnSocial Bookmarking (2)Social Media (9)Software Development Forge (2)Software Interface DesignerStreaming (2)SurveySurveys (4)TURN/STUN ServerVideo (4)Video ConferencingVideo SurveillanceWebmailWebserverWebsite Analytics (2)


Because all the software listed here is 'libre', I've included the names of functionally similar but heavily marketed proprietary software that is therefore better known to the general population, also for the purposes of understanding the use of the software shown and to what it can be compared.

select all/none invert selection
1PasswordAnydeskApache WebserverBandcampBit.lyBitbucket (2)BlackboardBlueSkyCampaign MonitorCanvasConstant ContactDashlaneDiscord (3)DropboxFacebook EventsFastmailFlickr (2)FreeIPAGithub (2)GoodreadsGoogle Analytics (2)Google AppsGoogle Drive + Google AppsGoogle Forms (4)Google MailGoogle MeetupGoogle PhotosGoogle YoutubeInstagramJitsiKeycloakLastpassLinkedInMailChimpMediumMeetup.comMicrosoft Active DirectoryMicrosoft IISMicrosoft Office 365 (3)Microsoft One DriveMicrosoft Teams (3)ObsidianPingdomProtonMailRead It LaterRedditSAPSlack (3)SubstackSurveyMonkey (4)TeamViewerThreadsTrelloTwitchTwitterZoom

Open Source & Copyleft Licenses

These are the various 'open source' and 'copyleft' licenses that apply to the software listed. You can chose

select all/none invert selection
AGPL-3 (16)AGPL-3+ (5)ANTI-CAPITALIST SOFTWARE LICENSE 1.4ApacheApache-2 (2)BSD-2-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseBSD-3-Clause New/RevisedBSD-modifiedGPLGPL-2GPL-2+ (5)GPL-3 (7)GPL-3+LGPL-3 (2)MIT (8)MIT ExpatMPL-2None SpecifiedTURN Server License


select all/none invert selection
deprecated (3)development (5)planned (4)production (109)trial (7)


select all/none invert selection
AhauCOLFOSSDLE (27)Iridescent (15)LaneVentures (17)MiLLL (6)NZGreensNZOSS (12)OEGlobalOERF (15)OERu (20)Private (12)


select all/none invert selection
about (14)bbb.milll.wsbbb2colgreenshiere (3)id (4)kokilearn (8)mailmake (9)marge (4)mda22 (5)membersmesc (4)nihowera (10)oeglobalohaoha (9)quimbyralph (12)selma (7)share (7)social.milll.wsssosynctalktalknztry (6)turnwork (8)

Showing 53 active technology tiles.